6FIT is back, and I'm
Hi! For those of you who
don't know me my name is Courtney, I am DanceFIT veteran of 8 years (with a few
months away here and there). I was in the Brookline Studio when it very first
began with a handful of classes and the creator, fitness and mama entrepreneur
extraordinaire Gina Fay. Before finding DanceFIT I was what I would call a spin
rat but I got sick of that after about a year and was really looking for
something that offered some variety in my fitness routine and took me back to
my dance and ballet roots . . . hello DanceFIT and everything I was looking
Although I was a big swimmer
throughout my childhood and high school years I was never a huge fitness
person, I was a dedicated gym goer, and occasional yogi in college, but never
really loved being a slave to the machines that went no where. DanceFIT and
6FIT for that matter really opened my eyes to a whole new world of fitness
ideas an opportunities. The 14 minute workouts Gina created for days you
don't have a chance to fit a DanceFIT class in showed me that you really can
squeeze a sweaty workout into any day; I have a crazy schedule but I know
everyone has 14 minutes- just skip snooze one time and set your alarm 5
minutes earlier, you can do it!
When it comes to food I
have definitely not always been an entirely healthy eater, I was actually
a bit of a picky one but I usually managed to get a few servings of fruits in
veggies in a day. I have always loved cooking, but I find I
get overwhelmed by life and it kind of goes by the wayside. Before meal
prep became trendy on Pinterest and everywhere else, 6FIT's model helped
me realize the possibility and benefits of setting some time aside one day
a week to make the rest of the week healthy and less stressful. I completed roughly
5 or 6 6FIT's and I definitely saw a change with each one
progressively getting more and more in to meal prep and recipe and food
creativity. 6FIT helped me to try new foods (I was a total beet
hater before it was a food of the week
), and past
teammates always shared recipes that sparked new meal plans.
I am doing 6FIT this time
around because as usual, I have gone against my motto of putting
myself first, which isn't self-indulgent as much as I forget to remember.
I believe putting yourself first makes you a better person for other people; as
the saying on the airplanes goes "put on your own oxygen mask before
assisting others".
The last few months I've
drank smoothie after breakfast smoothie, have been late for work, have thrown
salads together for lunch and dinner mixed in with handfuls of leftover Easter
candy saved in the fridge, resorted to a few too many days a week of short HIIT
workouts when I think your body reaps the benefits of a few of those mixed
with several days of longer sessions (i.e. DanceFIT classes!) So I want to get
back into planned meals (which I will admit I struggle with majorly), and
scheduled workouts . . . in fact I plan to schedule at least two weeks out of
my workouts as soon as I sign off.
I hope I haven't rambled on
too much, I am looking so forward to sharing these next 4 weeks with you,
and representing a great program the best way I can!
~ Courtney
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