Sunday, June 19, 2016

A little goes a long way . . . Don’t be afraid to try new things

Like I challenge myself in fitness, I like to challenge myself in the kitchen. I get bored prepping the same things over and over again just as much as I do maintaining the same workout routine week after week. I’ve been pushing myself to try new foods as much as I can, and 6FIT has certainly helped me achieve that. Can we just say how much I love beets?
I don’t always devote a lot of time to prep on the weekends as much as I know it helps me during the week, and especially now that the weather is getting nicer the last place I want to be is stuck inside in the kitchen staring out at the sunny day. So my new routine is to pick one or two new recipes- usually ones that I get in my email, see on Facebook, or from my go Popsugar online, and try them out. Sometimes the recipe’s come out amazing and go right in the book of favorites, other times they are total fails . . .but how else will you know unless you try? One of my all time favorite quote is quotes is “If you haven't failed, you're not trying hard enough” - Jennifer Crusie

“If you haven't failed,
you're not trying
hard enough”

Just this past week a fellow 6Fitter posted a recipe that I thought looked so amazing I had to make it. My version looked absolutely nothing like the picture, and while it was good I think it needs some serious tweaking, which is something I love to do to make recipes my own. Here’s one that actually looks and I imagine tastes like the original : )

So I bet you’re all wondering what recipes have made the cut these past 3 weeks? Well here are a few . . . what new food or recipe will you try?

Go conquer the kitchen!!

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