Monday, June 13, 2016

Doing what I was most afraid of helped me find my voice

Sleepy eyes, tightening laces, walking out into the fresh morning quiet before the world is awake (and my mind knows what I'm doing), breathing in the salty air, filled with a mixture of dread and pure bliss. . .I love running.

I will tell you first hand this has not always been the case. Back to the days of the Presidential Fitness test I hated running, I was so slow I couldn't stand the thought of being the caboose of the line while everyone else waited around having zoomed through their mile. My lungs hurt, my knees hurt and my head pounded, how could anyone find it fun? Well guess what, all those things still happen but it's all part of what I love. I love the challenge each run brings me, and the fact that when the run is over I have completed something. I am still not the fastest runner, although my times have improved dramatically, but ever since moving to a place where I knew no one and joining a group of like minded runners I now call friends- I found myself. There is such a peace in my mind being outside and experiencing whatever company, view or setting the day has to offer, it's a weird zen I just find amidst whatever pain I have going on.  

How did I start running, and how could you? Start small! I began with a 5k Turkey Trot , I apprehensively signed up and I trained for months mixing a combination of running and walking. . . a 1/2 mile, 1 mile, 2 miles. . .and I incorporated cardio classes. I believe cardio outside of running like DanceFIT Bootcamp or BalletFIT Cardio is integral in helping your lung capacity and speed, it doesn't hurt that I also love mixing up and think it's important to mix up a fitness routine. 

Race Day. . .Nothing makes me feel more proud or accomplished than finishing a race, they still scare me. . . even this past Saturday as I lined up for Market Square Day 10k my heart was pounding, but as I reached mile 5 I thought "I've got this! I did it!" Grab a friend and sign up for a race, challenge yourself. . .surprise yourself! Most importantly STRETCH. 

I am horrible stretcher, I have all the foam rollers and massagers a proper athlete should have, but I never use them enough. This past week the focus of 6FIT was stretching, and it actually held me accountable. Instead of sitting on the couch when I was dead tired after a long day I put my favorite show on and plopped down on my yoga mat for some much needed stretch sessions. My all time favorite DanceFIT class is Morning Stretch. . .you know why? Because I HAVE to stretch for 45 minutes and my body so needs it, if it were up to me to do that on a Thursday morning on my own I think I would last 10 minutes, so I owe my success Thursday night at the Hollis Fast 5k to that class! 

As fun as last week was, I'm glad I don't have two races this week! What race will you sign up for?

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